PinnedAnything that can go wrong, will go wrongMurphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.”Jul 2, 2019Jul 2, 2019
A digital takeaway from “The Nike Story”Nike, a company that once owned 38% of the shoe market, a company that always focuses on athletes and innovations. But if you look at the…Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Humans Need Stories to Work Together: The Power of StorytellingOne key factor differentiating humans from other animals is that we can work together in big groups. Yes, some animals can work together in…Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
The Flow StateWe all have this problem of getting bored. I am the one who gets bored when doing the same things again and again. When I sense boredom I…May 21, 2024May 21, 2024
EVs, Batteries, and the lives we choose to ignoreWe often consider eclectic cars as an environmentally friendly alternative or its been sold to us in that format. What do you think, the…Sep 14, 20231Sep 14, 20231
When you are right doesn’t mean that the other person is wrongA common misconception in arguments is that if you can prove yourself right then the other person is automatically wrong.Aug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023
Lucid GamingArthur: Hi All, I would like to thank you for providing me an opportunity to present this new concept and a game based on that.Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
The lost art of listeningWhich is more important being heard or hearing? If communication is not a one-way street then the latter makes sense.Jun 14, 2022Jun 14, 2022
Digitization doesn’t mean building a skyscraper on top of an Old PyramidDuring the course of human civilization, we evolved a lot in terms of technologies, the way we build our houses, towns, buildings, etc.May 28, 2022May 28, 2022