EVs, Batteries, and the lives we choose to ignore

Bivek Renuji
5 min readSep 14, 2023

We often consider eclectic cars as an environmentally friendly alternative or its been sold to us in that format. What do you think, the EVs are eco-friendly?

What a stupid question right? Of course, electric cars are environmentally friendly.

Emissions from Gasoline cars

An average gasoline passenger vehicle emits about 400 grams of tailpipe carbon dioxide (CO2) per mile, Which accounts for 4.6 metric tons of CO2 per year. In addition to carbon dioxide (CO2), automobiles using gasoline produce methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the tailpipe and all vehicles can emit hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) from leaking air conditioners. For gasoline vehicles, the emissions of HFCs are small in comparison to CO2; however, the impact of these emissions can be important because they have a higher global warming potential (GWP) than CO2.

Emissions from Electric cars,

CO2 emission from electric cars is 0%. Period.

We compare/ being sold in this way.

What about the emissions while producing large lithium-ion batteries?

  1. To produce the batteries we need minerals like lithium, cobalt nickel, etc. These are not available on the surface of the earth. Same as extracting crude oil from the earth we need to mine these elements from the earth. For extracting and transporting these materials we still use machinery that runs on fossil fuels and then we have to heat them in…



Bivek Renuji

Principal Consultant-Digital & Omni Channel Commerce | Reimagining Commerce| Transforming People & Companies | Product Management Leader |Coach